The main reason I created this was to post my work so people can see what I've been up to, comment, give me feedback, etc. and hopefully this will help me progress. I'm also hoping it will help me be more productive, and encourage me to take on more self directed briefs, instead of just doing work set by my tutors at Uni.
To get things going I'm gonna post some stuff from my first year of Uni as none of my work for this year is complete yet.

This is a poster created for our Digital Illustration workshop last year. We had to choose any object from our room, bring it in, trace it in Illustrator then stylise it how we wanted, then find an event that related to the object, and create a poster for it. This was my outcome. At the time I remember being quite pleased with the final piece but after looking at it again for the first time in about 6 months, there are things there that I'm not too sure about now. Oh well. We always had to produce 2 postcards to go with the poster:

Book Jackets: Another brief was to create a book jacket for a company called Expresso Books that print and bind books on demand. There was a really long list which we had to choose a couple from, all of which had really obscure titles such as: Thermodynamics of a pizza, Natural Bust Enlargement with Total Mind Power, Tea Bag Folding, and many many more. The scary thing is they were all real books. Here is my effort:

There are 2 other book jackets somewhere but I can't find them. SHEET. Magazine Design: Another project we were set was to come up with a front cover, and a double page spread for the magazine Wired. There were a couple articles to choose from.

This project was just to get us used to using Illustrator and InDesign and taught us a few little tricks along the way.
Fliers: A friend of mine runs a music promotions company in Southampton and asks me to do a few fliers for him here and there.

Check it:
That's all for now!
cheese one is really good. well done phil. from gemma your talented illustrating associate.