So for this project we got a choice of breifs. I chose one called Giving and Getting, through which we had to invent a way that inspires people to give to charity, or makes it easier for them to do so.
My idea was called "Go & Give", a scheme that would allow people to donate money to charity off of their Oyster card. The idea being that a selected charity displays it's campaign to commuters as they're travelling down the escalator, then at the bottom of the escalator there is a "Donation Pod" that if commuters want to donate, they simply swipe there oyster against, which will add an additional fee to their journey, and that additional fee goes to charity! Simples, kind of.
Here are the 4 presentaion boards:

Introductory Board: Visual of where campaigns will go, displaying informative posters about "Give & Go" to introduce the idea to commuters and how it works.
Board 2: Shows the posters closer up, last poster is one that would be used elsewhere to advertist the idea.
Board 3: Shows the donation pod and screen that shows a thank you message when some one donates.
Board 4: Thank you letter and limited edition Oyster Card that gets sent to those who continously donate.
I really enjoyed this project as it was very different to anything else I'd ever done before. My tutors really liked it and decided to enter it into the RSA - Student Design Awards.
yes phuze this is a quality idea!